Are you interested in tech and looking to have fun and get busy this summer? Join us at Dev Mission to learn more about how you belong in tech! We offer exciting programs that provide all kinds of opportunities for all ages across San Francisco. If you aren’t sure what to do this summer, we have something for you.

Head over to our STEAM Hub to meet Patricia and the crew to learn and explore. Our lab serves as an open space that allows youth to tap into steam skills in a fun and interactive way. This summer we are looking forward to inspiring youth through engaging activities involving math and science. We create fun challenges for youth like making slime to get youth thinking about science, building bridges using materials that encourage critical thinking, coding mini robots to begin thinking about tech and so much more. Come any day of the week from 12 – 5 pm!

This summer we partnered up with Goodwill to expose more young adults in the bay area to careers in tech. We’re offering a 12-week course that covers the fundamentals of IT hardware, the basics of programming, and IoT. Our cohort #20 kicked it off with the first lesson Monday, June 5th with more than 25 young adults in attendance. Stay tuned and look out for opportunities to check out what this amazing cohort has yet to create.

Don’t miss out on the latest our Digital Music Lab has yet to produce this summer! We engage youth ages 14-21 to gain skills using hands-on learning that encourages critical thinking, collaboration, problem-solving, and much more. We create a space that allows youth to be expressive and use technology to produce some dope music. Our curriculum covers a variety of components such as beat-making, songwriting, even stage performance skills, and so much more. Don’t miss out on the sweet sounds our crew has yet to produce this summer.

Our Community Technology Associate program offers free tech support to communities in San Francisco. This summer we welcome new team members, our recent graduates from the pre-apprenticeship cohort #19! If you’re in the Mission, Hunters-Point, or Hayes Valley and need tech support you can find our interns at our different locations who can assist you for free! We offer help with troubleshooting, digital literacy, and more! We also have exciting donations lined up thanks to our sponsors that our CTA team will help refurbish. Join us for our refurbathons we have coming up to get a free computer! If you have any questions please reach out via email at cta@devmission.org or via phone 415-289-9347.
As you’ve seen we have a lot of fun waiting for you and your family here at Dev Mission. Please reach out to us at info@devmission.org if you would like any more information or if you would like to volunteer with us. We hope you’re able to join us this summer to have fun and help us bridge the gap between tech.