Have you been exposed to STEM opportunities before?
I was exposed to STEM opportunities through workshops and events through my high school
How did you hear about Dev/Mission?
During a meeting with a counselor from 100% College Prep, the counselor asked about what I was interested in majoring in. After I showed interest in tech, he provided me with 2 coding boot camps to look into, Dev/Mission being one of them.
I went to 826 Valencia to record a story I wrote in a recording booth and an advertising agency was in attendance to assist us in creating a storyline, developing the characters, and how to sound when recording. My mentor introduced me to her co-workers and she was talking about joining Dev/Mission.
When volunteering for the Boys Basketball Team, the coach and I had a conversation about my future plans for college. Once I said I was trying to major in computer science, he reached out to one of his former players and connected me with him who then reconnected me to Dev/Mission and sent me the link to sign up.
What were you doing before joining Dev/Mission?
I was a senior in high school running in circles, trying to figure out what major I wanted to do and what boot camps can I do to help me prepare for my major.
How long have you been a Dev/Mission participant/alumni/volunteer?
I have been involved with dev/Mission since the Summer of 2019, so going on for 8 months. I was a participant in the Pre-Apprenticeship Program, currently a Community Technology Associate while working towards getting certified in IT by Google, through Dev/Mission.
Describe your typical routine at Dev/Mission and why it’s important in your life?
Currently, I intern with dev/Mission as a Community Technology Associate so I come into VG, set up for the day, work with clients on issues they may have with their laptops and tablets, update my assignment tracker, and work on my Google IT certification.
What personal goals have Dev/Mission helped you accomplish?
Dev/Mission has helped me expand my knowledge about technology as a whole, how to network, and sell myself in a way that is natural yet professional. This organization is a big part of how I’m surviving in my CompSci courses in college and because they’ve taught me the basic fundamentals of software and hardware, IoT, professionalism, and networking.
How has Dev/Mission staff supported you?
Dev/Mission has held me up to a certain standard from the moment I walked through the doors and I’ve used that to put 110% effort in what I do. They have provided me with endless events, workshops, and opportunities for internships, fellowships, careers and more. They have given me a platform to grow from and a structured and grounded community within tech that I’m able to fall back on.
What three words would you use to describe Dev/Mission if you were trying to convince a friend to get involved?
1- resume
2- connections
3- experience
Has Dev/Mission positively impacted you/your family? If so, how?
Yes, it has impacted. I participated in the Summer Cohort of 2019 with my brother, and soon to be my sister, brother, and another brother. I’ve been so supported and assisted by Dev/Mission that I’ve paved the way for my siblings to all go through the program and gain exposure to tech. Coming into this program, I had no idea what tech jobs entailed, nor the variety of career paths within tech. Having gone through the program has assisted me in gaining exposure and allowing me to enjoy tech, not exclusive to work but also through the means of giving back to my community.
How Dev/Mission has helped you to pursue post-secondary or employment pathways?
I’ve used what I learned at dev/Mission and applied it to my computer science courses and my internship with dev/Mission of assisting residents with technical issues they may have with their mobile devices.
What do you think makes Dev/Mission different from other organizations?
Dev/Mission is a well-rounded organization that guides you into a tech job. They provide so much opportunity, not only through insights of actual tech companies but the tools necessary to thrive in this field. Their open and welcoming environment is nothing but encouraging, that as a young person, makes all the difference. They direct us to the opportunities and it is truly on us to reach out and take advantage of them all. Not only does Dev/Mission provide a boot camp, but every step after that and more. They are willing to take anyone and build them up.
Ruqaiyah Quote:
“The best thing about the program is the overall mission. People of color are set at a disadvantage and those who are from low and even middle class income are set back even further. Giving us young people the opportunity to thrive and somewhat level out the playing field is amazing and well appreciated. I feel that we are never given the proper chance and access to programs like such to expose us to different fields of work and so with this program, it is truly a blessing.”