Leonardo Sosa, Executive Director
(415) 572.3947
June 17th 2019
Our 2019 Summer Cohort was invited for a corporate site visit to ABC Channel 7 News in San Francisco, CA on Friday, July 12th 2019. ABC targets young adults ages 19 to 24 and tries to reach the audience that watches videos on their phones. Lilian Peña welcomed our Cohort with a big smile and showed us around the studio.
During the corporate site visit, we were lucky to have a Q&A session where the students asked what task the employees do and what their day is like to ABC employees. After, our Cohort met two extraordinary people. We met Malinalli and Eric. When Malinall was in college, all her professors told her it would be impossible for her to land a career in film, but she never gave up. She launched her own business in 2015 and ended up majoring and getting a master’s in film. Then, Erik mentioned he was an IT manager. Before he was an IT manager, he was doing sales. He never thought he would end up where he is today. Erik is responsible for anything that has electronic that runs through it. Eric also asked our Cohort what kind of career they want to pursue in the tech industry.
ABC 7 showed our Cohort their control center, satellites, and an automated camera. We were amazed about how all the technology works and the students learned how to use the new technology. Our students learned plenty from this lively experience. We would like to thank ABC Channel 7 News for believing in how we are creating the next generation of tech talent.