Leonardo Sosa, Executive Director
(415) 572.3947
Jul 15th, 2019
Opportunities for All creates access for diverse young people
to employment around San Francisco. The program includes paid
internships, mentorship, career training, and apprenticeship
for participants ages 13 to 24. This was Dev/Mission’s first
year partnering up with Opportunities for All to provide paid
internships to young people from different high schools around
San Francisco. Dev/Mission is extremely thankful to have these
amazing interns this summer.
Dev/Mission provided a various amount of internships this summer
like outreach, data entry, admin assistant, photographer, blogger,
and marketing. Everyone was consistently busy and learning everyday
with their supervisors. We faced a countless amount of challenges
and learned many career skills, communication skills, and problem
solving skills.
Once again, Dev/Mission was pleased to have interns this summer and
we can’t wait to see what happens next year. The interns did great
this summer!
An OFA Participant states, “I would like to thank Opportunities
for All and Dev/Mission for my internship this summer. I was a
Blogger at Dev/Mission and I also did data entry. I have learned
so much this summer and I can’t thank them enough! It’s been so
much fun.”