My name is Faheemah Shaikh from San Francisco. I am a third year computer science student at San Francisco State. I am also heavily involved in the Muslim Student Association on campus. My current role is President and I’ve done many other roles such as the marketing coordinator, treasurer, vice president, etc.
Describe your typical routine at Dev/Mission and why it’s important in your life?
I am the social media intern so I create, film, and edit Reels and TikToks, post stories promoting Dev/Mission, analyze the data from Dev/Missions social media accounts, etc. This is important to me because I want to work for a social media company as a marketing director and Dev/Mission is helping me prepare for that.
What personal goals has Dev/Mission helped you accomplish (or are you pursuing)?
Practice and refresh my coding skills.
Network with people in the tech industry.
Visit multiple tech companies to learn what it’s like to work there.
Come up with creative and unique ideas to market.
Prepare for job interviews.
How has Dev/Mission staff supported you?
Kimon who was an alumni from Dev/Mission referred me to the Social Media Intern position and supported me in obtaining that position.
What three words would you use to describe Dev/Mission if you were trying to convince a friend to get involved?
1- Free
2- Opportunities
3- Community
Has Dev/Mission positively impacted you/your family? If so, how?
Dev/Mission has provided a place for me to grow intellectually. As a third year computer science major, I learned and understood more during Dev/Missions Pre-Apprenticeship program, then I did at school.
How Dev/Mission has helped you to pursue post-secondary or employment pathways?
They provided resources to find internships/jobs and helped me build my confidence! Because of this, I landed an internship at Dev/Mission as their social media intern.
What are you doing now since you Graduated from Dev/Mission?
I am now a third year computer science major at San Francisco State University and the current social media intern for Dev/Mission.
What do you think makes DevMission different from other organizations?
Dev/Mission aims to support the community, no matter their gender, ethnicity, sexuality etc. They offer free tech related programs that young adults can gain various types of knowledge in. They also have educational and exciting in person visits to big tech companies in the bay area.